quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2011
Curso para Educadores Socias com ECPAT
segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2011
Curso para Educadores Socias com ECPAT
As aulas serão semanais no período de agosto á outubro.
O programa está dividido em três módulos;
• Módulo I: O Educador Social e seus desafios
• Módulo II: As diferentes dimensões da sexualidade humana, trajetória do enfrentamento da violência sexual em especial da exploração;
• Módulo III: O atendimento das questões relacionadas às violências sexuais: prevenção, atendimento, marco legal e redes.
Entre em contato pelos telefones: 2220-3217 ou 2510-3222.
Caso do Richard Schair
Empresa de turismo norte-americana organizou excursões pesqueiras na Amazônia e está sendo investigada sob suspeita de explorar o turismo sexual no Brasil.
A Wet-A-Line Tours é alvo de processos no Estado da Geórgia e também pelo Ministério Público Federal (MPF) no Amazonas que ingressou com uma ação penal por abuso sexual e incentivo à prostituição contra o empresário Richard Schair, segundo reportagens publicadas pelos jornais “The New York Times", “Folha de São Paulo”, “O Globo”, “Brisbane Times”, “CNBC”, “The Huffington Post” e “AOL Travel”.
A ação do MPF foi impetrada após denúncias feitas pela Fundação Nacional do Índio (Funai) do Amazonas de que mulheres estavam sendo aliciadas e estupradas por clientes da agência Wet-A-Line durante passeios organizados pela empresa.
Segundo investigações da Polícia Federal, ao menos 15 meninas foram vítimas de estupros e aliciamento nas viagens promovidas pelo proprietário da agência norte-americana, Richard Schair. A empresa, segundo a investigação, utilizava iates luxuosos, camuflados de pesca esportiva para estrangeiros.
A Ministra dos Direitos das Mulheres, Iriny Lopes e a Ministra de Direitos Humanos, Maria do Rosário confirmaram que já fizeram contato com os promotores para decidir se vão estabelecer uma comissão especial para investigar o caso. No dia 12 de julho Iriny Lopes também propôs um acordo entre o Governo Federal e os Estados da Amazônia Legal para o enfretamento da exploração sexual e melhor monitoramento das companhias de pesca na região.
Para organizar a ação, a Ministra Iriny Lopes vai se reunir com o Ministério da Pesca Sr. Luiz Sérgio, Ministério da Defesa Nelson Jobim, Ministério das Relações Exteriores Antonio Patriot, Ministério da Justiça José Cardozo, Ministério de Trabalho Carlos Lupi e o Presidente do FUNAI Márcio Meira.
A Policia Federal no Amazonas vão prosseguir uma investigação de cerca de 20 norte-americanos que também são suspeitos de exploração sexual de crianças nas Amazonas usando como pretexto excursões de pesca.
Além de Schair, cinco brasileiros são réus na ação penal. José Lauro Rocha da Silva, proprietário da agência de turismo brasileira, Daniel Geraldo Lopes, Juscelino de Souza Motta e os irmãos Admilson Garcia da Silva e Adilson Garcia da Silva.
As meninas são da cidade de Autazes, a 118 km de Manaus. As meninas, todas de origem indígena, dizem que eram aliciadas a participar dos passeios pesqueiros e também forçadas a se prostituir quando tinham menos de 18 anos, a mais jovem tinha 12 anos.
A organização “Equality Now” afirma que elas alegaram terem sido "vendidas como prostitutas". "No barco, teriam recebido bebida alcoólica e drogas e eram forçadas a praticar atos sexuais". O grupo diz que é a primeira ação a usar a Lei de Proteção às Vítimas do Tráfico de Seres Humanos para pedir indenização às supostas vítimas.
O proprietário da Wet-A-Line Tours, Richard Schair, nega as acusações de exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes nos depoimentos à Polícia Federal. O empresário norte-americano tenta suspender temporariamente o processo que corre em seu país.
Ainda não há prazo para julgamento da ação no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos.
segunda-feira, 11 de julho de 2011
(19-21 July 2010, Hotel Mar, Olinda, PE)
· 1996- 1st World Congress- Stockholm, Sweden.
The Congress was attended by various Brazilian organizations, principally those from the North-East. Teenager Inês Dias, accompanied by Coletivo Mulher Vida of Olinda Pernambuco, was elected youth representative of Brazil for the congress. Her role was to advocate the agenda and participation of youths in prevention of sexual exploitation- one of ECPAT´s lines of work.
The congress was the first step to linking ECPAT international with Brazil.
· 1997: 1º Meeting of ECPAT Brazil Network- Salvador (BA)
This meeting was organized by the CEDACA/Bahia in August of 1997 in Salvador. Organizations that attended consisted of those already working with the subject of child sex exploitation, many established prior to the 1st World Congress such as CRAME; DALCA; IBISS; ABRAPIA; CECRIA; Casa Renascer; Coletivo Mulher Vida; Casa de Passagem and the Cedacas already in function.
The ECPAT Brazil network was founded following the successive lobbying of participants from the Stockholm congress who put pressure on Brazilian organizations to undertake the subject in Brazil.
· 1998: 2º Meeting of ECPAT Brazil Network - Salvador (BA)
The second ECPAT meeting took place in December 1998 in Salvador, Bahia. One of the central themes of the agenda was the need for an executive secretary; consequently it was decided that upon election, the Bahian CEDECA; represented by Hélia Barbosa would report to the elected executive secretary.
· 1999: 1º Meeting for the Combat of Sexual Exploitation of Children - Olinda (PE)
The event took place in Olinda, Pernambuco and was organized by the Coletivo Mulher Vida. Ines Dias carried the responsibility of maintaining the agenda which was; Brazil’s role in the prevention of sexual exploitation. This event was supported by UNICEF.
· 2000: Meeting of the National Plan and the 3º Meeting of the ECPAT Brazil Network
The National Plan for combating the abuse and sexual exploitation of children was launched in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The launch of the plan occurred alongside the 3rd general meeting of the ECPAT Brazil Network.
· 2001: 2º World Congress- Yokohamo, Japan
The 2nd World Congress took place in Japan and had a poor Brazilian representation due to the lack of network affiliates during the period as well as limited communication between existing affiliates, which overall resulted in a inadequate preparation of delegates for the congress.
· 2005: International ECPAT Assembly and 4º Meeting of the ECPAT Brazil Network- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The events proved demanding since EXPAT International had difficultly in understanding that the Brazilian network functioned differently to networks in other countries since unlike other countries; ECPAT Brazil is represented by more than one organization.
During the 4th meeting the new executive secretary was elected, namely Coletivo Mulher Vida with Maria Luiza Duarte de Araújo taking the role of directing and mobilizing the Network.
The ECPAT International assembly was attended by delegates of the CECRIA and CEDECA/Bahia in spite of a proposal by the National Committee to include new participants.
· 2007: Meeting in preparation for the 3rd World Congress, Brasília - (DF)
New members are incorporated into ECPAT International following the availability of spaces for new affiliates within the organization.
· 2008: 5º ECPAT Brazil meeting, in Recife (PE), 3º World Congress Against the Sexual Exploitation of Children and the 1st Brazilian Congress in Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
In May, the 5th Meeting of the ECPAT Brazil network takes place in Recife (PE). The Network affirms the election of a Board of Directors, represented by Maria Luiza Duarte de Araújo of Coletivo Mulher Vida, Tiana Sento Sé of IBISS and Ana Lídia Rodrigues of the Grupo Curumins. the newly elected
The 3rd World Congress took place during November in Rio de Janeiro and produced a series of agreements standardized by the ‘Rio de Janeiro Article’ as well as a document produced by the youth coordination.
The 1st Brazilian Congress coincided with the 3rd World Congress, also in Rio de Janeiro and was attended by over 600 participants from all over Brazil and other countries.
· 2009 Socializing via e-mail
In May changes were made to the ECPAT coordination, the Grupo Curumins. Ana Lídia Rodrigues became group representative until forthcoming elections.
During this period the ECPAT Network worked towards procuring new partners for forthcoming activities.
The Network was supported by the CONANDA (National Council for the Rights of the Child) to organize and assess the work of the Network.
· Meeting for the Organization and Assessment of the ECPAT Network Brazil in Olinda, Pernambuco
Member organizations from the Northern, North Eastern, Central West and South West regions of the country, there were no organizations from the South since the Network is not represented in this region.
It was at this meeting that members wrote the timeline and letter of intention of the Network.
The Network also participated in the meetings that followed the 3rd World Congress of 2008 and began preparations for the 4th ECPAT Congress in Bangkok, Thailand.
ECPAT Brazil begins a partnership with ECPAT USA.
Observações sobre a linha do tempo: The period from 1998 to 2005 saw many changes in Brazil in terms of public policy in the area of prevention of sexual violence against children, without the presence of ECPAT.
This infrastructure, inclusive of services provided as well as other actions to prevent child sex exploitation unfolded in Brazil without any direct involvement of the ECPAT Network however ECPAT affiliates were part of these developments.
In comparison to other countries, where ECPAT has lead the way in building an infrastructure of prevention against the sexual exploitation of children, in Brazil the National Committee assumed this role. Discussions have arisen as to what space the ECPAT Brazil Network could occupy without interfering in the political activities of the National Committee.
In light of these observations, it must be highlighted that although ECPAT Brazil did not occupy a structural role in preventative activities, it was through affiliated organizations that the EXPAT Network took an important role in these developments within Brazil. The ECPAT network became an encouraging and powerful force following the World Congress and it was from this point that Brazil began to restructure herself politically around this theme.
Letter of Intention ECPAT Brasil
The ECPAT Brazil network is a coalition of civil society groups that work together to combat the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in Brazil. ECPAT Brazil identifies commercial sexual exploitation as any of the following four categories; prostitution, pornography, human trafficking and tourism with the object of sexual exploitation.
The ECPAT network was founded in 1997 following the 1st World Congress against Commercial Exploitation of Children (EESCA in Portuguese) in Stockholm which took place from the 27th to the 31st of August, 1996 when a global agenda was set by various civil agencies, NGOs and organizations committed to establishing a partnership against the sexual exploitation of children.
The founding of the ECPAT network put pressure on the global community to ensure that all children and adolescents were guaranteed of their human right of living a safe childhood, free of sexual exploitation.
The international ECPAT network occupies the status of consultant to the UN Economic and Social Council; which is one of the principal branches of the UN involving 70 countries with over 80 organizations enforcing measures to confront and prevent the sexual exploitation of children. The network is composed of a General Secretary and regional entities, with a general structure of managing and representing its members. The international assembly occurs every 3 years with the participation of every member country.
In discussions concerning Universal Human Rights, ECPAT Brazil codifies the following principles: the Beijing declaration of the Rights of the Child (1995); the plan deployed during the 1st World Congress against Commercial Exploitation of Children carried out in Stockholm in 1996; The Child and Adolescent Statute (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente); passed into law in 1990 by the Brazilian national Congress; the National Plan to combat sexual violence against children and the National Plan for the prevention trafficking in Persons for purposes of sexual exploitation.
Using the theoretical foundations of the 1st and 2nd World conferences on the prevention of sexual exploitation of children as well as the modifications made for the Rio de Janeiro Article (2008), the following pages describe organizations mission and objectives:
Central Theme:
The varied forms of the Commercial Exploitation of Children and Adolescents; prostitution, pornography, tourism and trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation.
The ECPAT network Brazil is a coalition of civil society organizations with the political mission of combating the Commercial Exploitation of Children and Adolescents who through lobbying and other socio-political actions in different areas that work against the sexual exploitation aim to preserve people’s sexual rights.
Emphasis of work:
Render further the work of the International ECPAT group Brazil and ECPAT Brazil into the global debate of combating tourism and the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents.
Principle Declarations:
- We believe in the rights of children and adolescents and their distinct status of being in continuous physical and psychological development.
- We believe that all children and adolescents should be protected against all forms of violence.
- We recognize and respect differences thus creating a space for all beliefs, perspectives, experiences and actions. This standpoint enables a greater and more constructive network with space for gender, generation, race and ethnicity.
- We recognize the diversity of regions, lifestyles, political beliefs and opinions as legitimate expressions of plurality and experience.
- We defend the self-autonomy of people with relation to their bodies, beliefs and sexual expression and orientation.
- We believe in equal balances of power that respect difference and diversity that, in an continuous exercise of collective building, requires the joint responsibility and participation of all those connected to the network.
In order to further the fight against the Commercial Exploitation of Children and Adolescents and create initiatives to eliminate exploitation in Brazil, the network will use as a guideline, the structure of the National Plan and Rio de Janeiro Article of 2008.
Strategic Action Plan:
- Creating and disseminating of knowledge.
- Sustaining the institution and financing of the ECPAT Network Brazil.
- Communication
- Mobilizing and presenting the Network
- The active participation of adolescents and youths
Activities in progress:
- Monitoring and modifying public politics.
- Producing and promoting information.
- Dissemination of data to partners and local members.
- Additioning to and participation in local and national Networks.
- Maintaining of contacts and local/ national support Networks.
- Development of national campaigns
- Supporting other related national and international campaigns.
- Working alongside other social movements, civil society organizations and other political entities such as; the feminist movement, the black movement, the LGBT movement (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transsexual), the workers Syndicate, Human Rights and other affinities.
- Youth participation.
Other potential affiliations:
Other NGOs connected Cooperative Agencies, Research and Development Institutes, Universities and Networks that work with the prevention and combat of commercial sexual exploitation of minors.
We recommend that prior to applying for the document of affiliation, a representative of said institution visit our site (www.ecpat.net) and familiarize themselves with the work of the Network. A link in Spanish is available upon request.
(Document produced by ECPAT members, Brazil, June 2010)